
What Is the Best Non-Surgical Treatment for Jowls - 7 Treatment Options

When it comes to finding the best non-surgical treatment for jowls, there are several options to consider. It's natural to want the most effective solution without the need for invasive procedures. That's where our website comes in, dedicated to providing information about "What is the best non surgical treatment for jowls?"

What is the best non surgical treatment for jowls

What Is the Best Non-Surgical Treatment for Jowls? A Comprehensive Guide

As we gracefully age, our skin undergoes changes, and one area that often shows the effects of time is the jawline. Jowls—those pesky sagging areas of skin that hang below the jawline—can make us feel less confident and youthful. But fear not! There are effective non-surgical treatments available to address jowls and restore a more defined and lifted appearance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the top treatments for sagging jowls, from injectables to cutting-edge procedures.

7 Best Non-Surgical Treatment for Jowls

When it comes to addressing sagging jowls without surgery, there are several effective non-surgical treatments available. Let’s delve into some of the best options:

1. Injectable Fillers

Botox® for Jowls

Botox® is an effective non-surgical treatment for addressing sagging jowls and redefining the jawline. Let’s explore how Botox® works and its benefits:

How Botox® Works:

Botox® (botulinum toxin) is a neuromodulator that temporarily weakens specific muscles.

When injected into the jaw and neck area, Botox® relaxes overactive muscles, creating a smoother, firmer appearance.

It strategically targets various signs of aging, including chin dimpling, downturned expression, marionette lines, minor skin sagging, and neck wrinkles.

Benefits of Botox® for Jowls and Jawline:

Jawline Contouring: Botox® can provide an uplift effect, creating a more defined jawline.

Reducing Platysmal Banding: It helps reduce vertical neck bands or “turkey neck.”

Slimming the Jawline: By relaxing specific muscles, Botox® contributes to a slimmer appearance.

Softening Wrinkles: Botox® effectively softens wrinkles and lines on the neck and lower face.


Botox® has limited ability to tighten loose skin.

It is most effective for treating minor skin laxity.

Not suitable for moderate or excessive amounts of loose skin or fat below the jawline.

Safety and Considerations:

Although Botox® is not FDA-approved specifically for cosmetic use in the lower face, it is widely used off-label for this purpose.

Consult with a qualified practitioner to assess your suitability for Botox® treatment.

Realistic expectations are essential, as individual responses may vary.

Remember that Botox® provides subtle rejuvenation and temporary results. For more significant improvements or severe jowls, surgical or minimally invasive skin tightening procedures may be better options

Fillers for Jowls:  

Injectable fillers are an excellent non-surgical option for enhancing the jawline and addressing sagging jowls. Let’s explore how they work and their benefits:

Types of Injectable Fillers:

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Fillers: These include brands like Restylane Lyft and Juvederm Voluma or Volux. HA fillers plump up the jawline, smooth wrinkles, and fine lines.

Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHA) Fillers: One common CaHA filler is Radiesse. These denser fillers provide structural support and mimic bone, making them ideal for defining the jawline1.

Procedure and Results:

  • Injectable fillers are gels that get injected into the skin.
  • They provide volume and stimulate hyaluronic acid or collagen production.

Jaw fillers can:

  • Reduce age-related volume loss in the lower face.
  • Create a more oval-looking jawline.
  • Contour the jawline for a sharper appearance.
  • Balance asymmetrical jawlines.
  • Strengthen or proportion the chin.

The procedure, also known as nonsurgical jawline contouring, should only be performed by experienced professionals such as plastic surgeons, dermatologists, nurse practitioners, or physician’s assistants.

When strategically injected along the mandible (lower jaw), jaw fillers create a more defined separation between the jawline and neck.

Results are subtle and natural-looking, never appearing overdone1.

Cost and Insurance:

When used solely for cosmetic purposes, jaw fillers are not covered by health insurance in the United States.

Remember that individual responses to injectable fillers may vary, and it’s crucial to consult with a qualified practitioner to determine the best approach for achieving your desired jawline contour and addressing jowls.

2. High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is an excellent non-surgical option for addressing sagging jowls and enhancing the jawline. Let’s explore how HIFU works and its benefits:

How HIFU Works:

  • HIFU technology delivers focused ultrasound energy deep into the skin layers.
  • This energy stimulates collagen production, which is essential for skin elasticity and firmness.
  • The targeted heat encourages tissue tightening and lifting, specifically in the jowl area and along the jawline.

Benefits of HIFU for Jowls and Jawline:

Non-Invasive: HIFU is a non-surgical procedure, meaning no incisions or anesthesia are required.

Precision: The ultrasound waves are precisely directed to the treatment area, minimizing damage to surrounding tissues.

Stimulates Collagen: By promoting collagen synthesis, HIFU helps improve skin texture and tightness.

Gradual Results: Over several weeks, you’ll notice gradual improvements as new collagen forms.

Minimal Downtime: Unlike surgery, HIFU involves minimal downtime, allowing you to resume daily activities promptly.

The Treatment Process:

  • During the procedure, a handheld device delivers ultrasound energy to specific points on the skin.
  • You may experience mild discomfort or warmth during the treatment.
  • The session typically lasts around 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the treatment area.

Expected Outcomes:

  • HIFU can lift sagging skin, redefine the jawline, and reduce the appearance of jowls.
  • Results vary from person to person, but most individuals see noticeable improvements within a few months.
  • Maintenance sessions may be recommended to sustain the effects.

Consultation and Safety:

  • Consult with a qualified practitioner to assess your suitability for HIFU.
  • Ensure you disclose any medical conditions or medications during the consultation.
  • Follow post-treatment care instructions for optimal results.

Remember that individual responses to HIFU may differ, and it’s essential to have realistic expectations. If you’re considering this treatment, consult a professional to determine the best approach for achieving your desired jawline contour and addressing jowls.

3. Radiofrequency (RF) Treatments

Radiofrequency (RF) treatments are indeed a popular choice for non-surgical skin tightening, especially when it comes to addressing jowls and sagging skin. Let’s dive into the details:

How RF Treatments Work:

  • Radiofrequency generates heat energy, which is used to stimulate collagen and elastin production in the skin.
  • Different types of RF devices offer varying degrees of heat and target different skin layers.

Tightening Skin and Plumping Wrinkles:

For tightening skin and reducing wrinkles, consider the following RF devices:

Bipolar/Multipolar RF Devices:

Examples: Venus Freeze, Endymed Tighten.

These devices bulk-heat the tissues just below the skin surface without damaging the outer layer.

Over time, they promote wound healing and firmness.

Monopolar/Unipolar RF Machines:

Examples: Thermage, Pellevé.

Similar to bipolar/multipolar devices, they stimulate collagen and elastin production.

These treatments usually take about 45 minutes with minimal downtime.

Turbo-Charged Option: Radiofrequency Microneedling:

Machines like Morpheus 8 and Focus Dual combine microneedling with RF energy.

This approach provides an intense tightening effect.

Safety and Choosing a Reputable Clinic:

  • Always select a reputable clinic for RF treatments.
  • In inexperienced hands, RF machines can cause burns, blisters, or unwanted fat loss.

Remember, RF treatments offer a non-invasive way to address jowls, fine lines, and sagging skin, making them a valuable option for those seeking a more youthful appearance

4. Kybella: The Submental Sculptor

What Is Kybella?

Kybella, also known by its scientific name deoxycholic acid, is a groundbreaking non-surgical solution for addressing submental fullness—commonly referred to as the “double chin.” While its primary focus is on reducing fat beneath the chin, its effects can indeed extend to the adjacent jowls.

How Does Kybella Work?

Kybella works by disrupting the fat cell membrane, causing them to break down and be naturally eliminated by the body. When injected into the submental area, it targets the stubborn fat deposits that contribute to the appearance of a double chin. The result? A more defined jawline and a sleeker profile.

Indirect Impact on Jowls

While Kybella isn’t directly aimed at jowls, its fat-reducing properties can have a positive ripple effect. Here’s how:

Improved Contour: By reducing submental fat, Kybella enhances the overall contour of the lower face. As the chin area becomes leaner, the transition from the jawline to the neck becomes smoother, minimizing the prominence of jowls.

Skin Tightening: As fat diminishes, the skin in the submental region tightens. This tightening effect can extend to the jowls, providing a subtle lift and improving sagging skin.

Enhanced Symmetry: A balanced chin and jawline contribute to facial symmetry. When excess fat is eliminated, the entire lower face appears more harmonious, indirectly benefiting the jowls.

The Treatment Process

Consultation: Before undergoing Kybella treatment, consult with a qualified medical professional. They will assess your specific concerns, discuss your goals, and determine if Kybella is the right choice for you.

Customized Injections: During the procedure, your provider will administer a series of precise injections into the submental area. The number of sessions required varies based on individual needs.

Recovery and Results: There’s minimal downtime associated with Kybella. Some swelling and tenderness are normal, but these subside within a few days. Over the next several weeks, the fat cells gradually break down, revealing a more sculpted jawline.

Is Kybella Right for You?

Kybella is ideal for individuals bothered by submental fullness or those seeking a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. It’s essential to have realistic expectations and understand that results are gradual but long-lasting.

While Kybella isn’t a direct jowl treatment, its transformative effects on the chin area can indirectly enhance the appearance of sagging skin along the jawline. Remember, always consult a qualified professional to determine the best approach for your unique needs. Whether you’re aiming to bid farewell to your double chin or refine your jawline, Kybella offers a promising solution—one injection at a time.

5. Micro Botox for Jowls

Microbotox, also known as mesobotox or intradermal Botox, is a cosmetic procedure that targets the erector pili muscle, oil glands, and sweat glands. Unlike traditional Botox injections, which focus on muscle layers, microbotox is injected into a deeper level of the skin (dermis) using a microneedle. Here’s what you need to know about this innovative technique:

What is Mesobotox?

Mesobotox aims to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and improve overall skin texture.

It can also:

  • Minimize pore size
  • Decrease oil production
  • Reduce facial sweating

How Does It Work?

  • A small amount of diluted Botox or Dysport is injected superficially.
  • Unlike regular Botox, which targets muscles, mesobotox affects the dermis.

Results include:

  • Immediate facial smoothness
  • Smaller pores
  • Reduced sweating

Who’s a Good Candidate?

  • If you’ve had regular Botox without complications, you’re likely suitable for mesobotox.
  • Allergic to Botox in the past? Mesobotox may not be ideal.
  • Avoid mesobotox if you’re allergic to lidocaine (a numbing agent).
  • Not recommended for those with neuromuscular diseases or during pregnancy/breastfeeding.

The Procedure:

  • Fast and lasts about 30 minutes.
  • Topical anesthesia or numbing cream is applied.

Pre-treatment guidelines:

  • Avoid blood thinners (ibuprofen, aspirin, fish oil, vitamin E) to prevent bruising.
  • Skip anti-aging products containing glycolic acid and retinol.
  • No alcohol 24 hours before treatment.
  • Clean your face as usual on treatment day, but skip makeup.

Duration and Maintenance:

  • Mesobotox effects last 3 to 6 months.
  • Repeat treatments as desired.

In summary, mesobotox offers a minimally invasive way to achieve smoother, younger-looking skin, refine your jawline, and address jowls. Remember, while it’s not permanent, it provides a temporary boost to your skin’s appearance! 

6. Polydioxanone (PDO) Threads: A Non-Surgical Lift for Jowls

A PDO thread lift is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure designed to tighten and lift the skin. Unlike traditional facelift surgery, which involves incisions and longer recovery times, PDO threads offer a quicker and less invasive alternative. Here’s what you need to know:

What Are PDO Threads?

Polydioxanone (PDO) threads are dissolvable sutures made from a biodegradable polyester material. These threads have been used in surgeries since the 1980s and are well-established in the medical field.

The PDO threads are inserted subcutaneously (under the skin) to address various aesthetic concerns.

How Do PDO Threads Work?

Collagen Stimulation: When PDO threads are placed under the skin, they trigger a response from fibroblasts, specialized cells responsible for collagen production. Collagen is essential for maintaining skin structure and elasticity.

Three Types of PDO Threads:

PDO Mono Threads: These smooth sutures stimulate collagen production, rejuvenating the skin’s texture and tightness.

PDO Cog Threads: These threads have tiny barbs that anchor into the skin, providing support and lifting sagging areas, including jowls.

PDO Screw Threads: Composed of intertwined threads, these help restore volume to sunken skin regions.

Goals of the Procedure

Rejuvenation and Skin Tightening: PDO mono threads are ideal for overall skin rejuvenation and mild facelift effects.

Moderate Facelift with Texture Improvement: PDO cog or screw threads offer a balance of lifting and texture enhancement.

Significant Facelift: For more pronounced results, facelift surgery or other treatments like PLA or PCA threads may be considered.

Benefits of PDO Thread Lifts

Minimal Risk: Compared to facelift surgeries, PDO thread lifts have a lower risk of complications. Scarring, severe bruising, and bleeding are less likely.

Visible Results: Patients experience an immediate lift due to the physical support provided by the threads.

Short Recovery Time: The procedure typically takes under 45 minutes, and downtime is minimal.

Collagen Boost: As the PDO threads dissolve (usually within 6 months), collagen production continues, further enhancing skin quality.

Potential Complications

While complications are rare, minor issues may include visible sutures (especially in thin-skinned individuals), mild bruising, or temporary pain.

Always consult a trained professional for a safe and effective PDO thread lift.

In summary, PDO threads offer a remarkable solution for addressing sagging skin, including jowls, without the need for invasive surgery. Their collagen-stimulating properties and versatility make them a popular choice among those seeking a natural-looking lift. Remember, individual results may vary, so personalized consultation with a qualified practitioner is essential.

7.Drooping jowls exercises - Best Non Surgical Treatment for Jowls

Facial exercises can be a helpful addition to your non-surgical approach for addressing sagging jowls. While they won’t provide miraculous results on their own, they can contribute to overall skin health and muscle tone. Here are some common facial exercises that may help improve jowls:

1. Yawning and Mouth Opening: 

This simple yet effective facial movement targets the muscles around your mouth and jawline. Here’s how to perform it:

Start Position:

  • Sit or stand comfortably with your back straight.
  • Relax your face and jaw muscles.


  • Open your mouth as wide as you can, mimicking a big yawn.
  • Keep your lips relaxed and avoid clenching your teeth.
  • Imagine you’re trying to stretch your mouth to its maximum width.

Hold and Slowly Close:

  • Once your mouth is fully open, hold this position for a few seconds (around 5 seconds).
  • Now, close your mouth very slowly without letting your teeth touch.
  • The key here is to maintain control and move deliberately.


  • Perform 10 to 15 repetitions of this exercise.
  • Gradually increase the duration of the hold as you get more comfortable.

Focus on Muscles:

  • Pay attention to the muscles around your mouth and jaw.
  • You should feel a gentle stretch along the jawline and the sides of your face.


  • Aim to do this exercise at least once a day.
  • Consistency is crucial for seeing results over time.


  • Perform this drooping jowls exercises in front of a mirror to ensure proper form.
  • Breathe naturally while doing the movement.
  • Combine it with other facial exercises for a comprehensive routine.

2. Lip Puckering: 

Lip Puckering exercise targets the jawline and surrounding muscles. Here’s how to perform it effectively:

Start Position:

  • Lie down comfortably on your back.
  • Ensure your head is supported by a pillow or cushion.


  • Relax your face and jaw muscles.
  • Pucker your lips outward as if you’re about to kiss someone.
  • Keep your lips taut and maintain the puckered position.

Facial Tension:

  • While your lips are puckered, use your fingers to gently draw the sides of your mouth downwards.
  • You’ll feel tension along the jawline and chin area.

Hold and Release:

  • Hold this position for about 10 seconds.
  • Slowly release the tension and relax your lips.


  • Perform 10 repetitions of this exercise.
  • Gradually increase the duration of the hold as you get more comfortable.

Focus on Muscles:

  • Pay attention to the muscles around your mouth and jaw.
  • The downward pull helps engage the platysma muscle, which contributes to a firmer jawline.


  • Consistent practice is essential for noticeable results.
  • Combine this exercise with other facial workouts for comprehensive muscle toning.

3. Chewing with Head Tilted Up: 

Chewing with your head tilted upward is a drooping jowls exercises that has gained popularity for its potential impact on the jawline. Here’s how it works:

Tilt Your Head Upward: While chewing, consciously tilt your head slightly upward. Imagine you’re looking at something above eye level. This motion engages the muscles in your lower face and jaw area more intensely.

Muscle Activation: The upward tilt activates the masseter muscle, which is one of the main muscles responsible for chewing. It runs along the sides of your jaw and contributes to a well-defined jawline.

Resistance Training: When you chew with your head tilted up, you create resistance against gravity. This resistance provides a form of isometric exercise for the jaw muscles. Isometric exercises involve static contractions without joint movement, helping to strengthen and tone the muscles.

Consistency Matters: Like any exercise, consistency is key. Regularly practicing this technique during meals may contribute to improved muscle tone in the jaw area over time.

Combine with Other Strategies: While head tilting can be beneficial, remember that a chiseled jawline also depends on overall body fat percentage and genetics.

Conclusion - Best Non Surgical Treatment for Jowls

In conclusion, when it comes to finding the best non-surgical treatment for jowls, there are several options to consider. From radiofrequency and ultrasound treatments to dermal fillers and laser therapy, each method has its own advantages and considerations. Ultimately, the right treatment for you will depend on your individual needs, preferences, and the advice of a qualified professional. 

By consulting with a trusted dermatologist or aesthetician, you can discover the approach that will effectively lift and tighten your jowls, rejuvenating your appearance and boosting your confidence. Remember, enhancing your natural beauty is a personal journey, and with the wide array of non-surgical options available, you can find a treatment that fits your goals and desired results. Embrace the power of these best non surgical treatment for jowls and say goodbye to jowls, without going under the knife.

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