
9 Best Remedies to Lift Drooping Mouth Corners and Sagging Skin around Mouth

Are you struggling to find out how to lift drooping mouth corners? Learn effective remedies and techniques to fix saggy mouth corners and regain a youthful appearance.

tighten sagging skin around mouth

Lift Drooping Mouth Corners 

 Drooping mouth corners get longer and deeper as we age and can eventually reach the bottom of your face. How do you get rid of mouth wrinkles and sagging skin around the mouth naturally.  There are a number of natural and surgical methods on how to get rid of wrinkles around mouth and droopy mouth corners naturally. Natural remedies will help you avoid lines around mouth fillers, fillers and botox for drooping mouth corners.


Natural Remedies for Wrinkles around mouth and Drooping Mouth Corner

Lines and wrinkles around your mouth can lead to unsightly, sagging skin near and around your lips. To prevent future mouth lines, and get rid of a couple of marionette lines at the corners of the mouth and sagging skin around mouth and chin, keep your skin moisturized all the time. Moisturizing will help hydrate skin and reduce drooping mouth corner and marionette lines.



1. Vitamin E Home Remedies for Wrinkles around Mouth

 Vitamin E is one of the best treatment for sagging skin around mouth and mouth lines. Dab some vitamin E oil gently around your mouth to prevent and reduce smile wrinkles and loose skin around the mouth. Another best home remedy for removing marionette lines is to make a paste with Vitamin E oil and aloe vera gel and apply to the sagging mouth corners and smile lines. Remain it on for 10 minutes and wash it off using warm water.


2. Green Tea to Get rid of Wrinkles around Mouth Naturally

 Green tea has anti oxidant property. This is another effective home remedies for wrinkles around mouth, droopy mouth corners and loose sagging skin on face. Drink at-least 2-3 green tea in a day to  avoid lines around mouth fillers or botox mouth corners and to get rid of drooping mouth corner and lines around mouth. Green tea also helps to get rid of wrinkles around mouth and chin.

3. Wrinkle Creams for Wrinkles around the Mouth

 Use non-prescription creams to smooth out mouth wrinkles and saggy skin around mouth. Choose anti wrinkle wrinkle creams that contain natural ingredients such as copper peptides, retinol, kinetin and coenzymes.

4. Lemon for Treating Drooping Mouth Corners

Cut a lemon in half and dab it on the frown lines mouth or apply lemon juice to your laugh lines or droopy mouth corners. This is one of the best ways to get rid of deep smile lines around the mouth naturally.

The acid in the lemon juice will help to tighten up your sagging skin around mouth, which can help eliminate the marionette lines, deep lines around lips and facial wrinkles that are caused by age. This remedy also help to get rid of wrinkles around mouth from smoking. The high concentration of Vitamin-C in lemon helps neutralize free radicals and help get rid of mouth lines.


5. Cabbage Remedy for Marionette lines around Mouth

 Cabbage contains beta-carotene, vitamin C and selenium, which slows the aging process and encourages healthy skin and help to get rid of sagging mouth corners. Cabbage is an effective anti wrinkle remedy which can tighten sagging skin around mouth and chin, prevent laugh lines and keep skin around lips looking younger naturally.

Crush some cabbage leaves and extract the juice and add honey to the juice. Massage the mixture to your marionette lines at the corners of the mouth to help get rid of lines around mouth. This home remedy is believed to help tighten up muscles around mouth for reducing lines around mouth and loose skin around mouth.


6. Antioxidants Treatment for Downturned Corners of Mouth

 Powerful antioxidants tackle the harmful free radicals and help to keep your skin super healthy and in combination with the delivery of essential nutrients, the lines and wrinkles are prevented from returning. The appropriate intake of antioxidants is important for preventing deep wrinkles around mouth, nasolabial folds, and other signs of aging.

Anti oxidant rich diet is the best natural way to get rid of mouth lines, marionette lines and sagging skin around the mouth. You can reduce laugh lines and sagging mouth corners and lift mouth corners with antioxidant-rich foods such as broccoli, berries, red grapes, tomatoes, spinach, carrots, garlic and whole grains. Consuming adequate amount of vitamin C and lots of fruits and vegetables will help keep your skin healthy and elastic for longer.

7. How to Lift Corner of mouth with Turmeric Powder

 To get rid of wrinkles around mouth and to tighten sagging skin around mouth naturally, you can prepare a paste made from mixing turmeric powder and sugar cane juice. Apply this mask on to the sagging mouth corners and massage gently. Do this treatment regularly to get rid of laugh lines around mouth fast.

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    8. Drink More Water to Lift Sagging Skin Around Mouth

     If you are concerned about getting wrinkles around your mouth, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and upper lip wrinkles or smoker's lines that can make you look older, you might also consider drinking eight to 10 glasses of water per day.

    Drinking lots of water helps hydrate skin from the inside out and improve the skin's elasticity and help slow the development of deep mouth wrinkles and drooping mouth corner and also lift mouth corners.

    Read: Neck Exercises to Tighten Loose Sagging Skin on Neck


     9. Do Droopy Mouth Corners Exercise

     Lines around mouth and drooping mouth corner give a bitter and aged look to the face. One of the best natural ways to remove mouth wrinkles and sagging skin around the mouth is doing regular mouth firming exercises.

    Do exercise for drooping mouth corners and avoid lines around mouth fillers. Wrinkles around mouth exercises such as droopy mouth corners exercise can help tone your face and lessen sagging skin around mouth, marionette lines, and deep lines around lips. If one tones the cheek skin, the drooping mouth corners and lines around mouth will become less pronounced in a short space of time. 

    FAQs - Lift Drooping Mouth Corners

    1. How to lift corners of mouth naturally?

    To naturally lift the corners of your mouth, you can try various facial exercises. Smile exercises, such as smiling as wide as possible and holding it for a few seconds, can help strengthen the muscles around your mouth and improve their tone. Cheek lifts, where you lift your cheeks towards your eyes using your fingertips, can also help lift the corners of your mouth.

    2. How do you fix a sagging corner of your mouth?

    There are several ways to address a sagging corner of the mouth. Non-surgical options include using dermal fillers or Botox injections to lift and support the area. Additionally, facial exercises that target the muscles around the mouth can help improve sagging.

    3. How can I turn the corners of my mouth up?

    One way to turn the corners of your mouth up is by practicing smiling exercises regularly. Stretching the muscles around your mouth while smiling wide can help lift and turn up the corners of your mouth.

    4. How do you fix a downturned mouth?

    A downturned mouth can be addressed through non-surgical or surgical procedures. Non-surgical options include using dermal fillers or Botox to lift the corners of the mouth. Surgical options may include a cornerlip lift or a facelift, which involve removing excess skin and repositioning the tissues to lift the mouth corners.

    5. What is the best treatment to lift the corners of your mouth?

    The choice of treatment to lift the corners of your mouth depends on several factors, including the severity of the drooping and personal preferences. Non-surgical options like dermal fillers and Botox injections can provide temporary results, while surgical procedures like a corner lip lift or facelift can provide longer-lasting results. It is recommended to consult with a qualified medical professional to determine the best treatment option for your specific needs.

    6. What deficiency causes cracked lip corners?

    Cracked lip corners, also known as angular cheilitis, can be caused by several factors, including vitamin deficiencies. Specifically, a deficiency in B vitamins, particularly vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin B3 (niacin), can contribute to cracked lip corners. Ensuring a balanced diet with sufficient intake of these vitamins can help prevent and address this issue.

    7. How do I stop my face from sagging around my mouth?

    To prevent or reduce sagging around the mouth area, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential. This includes regular exercise to tone facial muscles, a balanced diet to support skin health, proper hydration, and protection from sun damage with sunscreen. Additionally, avoiding habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can also help prevent sagging around the mouth and promote overall skin health.

    Conclusion - Lift Drooping Mouth Corners

    In conclusion, there are several effective natural options for lifting drooping mouth corners. These include regular facial exercises, such as smile exercises and cheek lifts, as well as facial massages, using natural remedies like aloe vera, rosewater, and coconut oil, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Additionally, practicing good oral hygiene and using lip-enhancing products like lip plumpers and lip balms can also help improve the appearance of drooping mouth corners. However, it is important to note that results may vary and it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance.

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